“CAMHS and Autism – A Story in Pictures” Episode 2

camhs-post-2camhs-post-3  It had to be done.  Due to the popularity of the ‘first episode‘ I thought a follow-up was warranted.  Autistic children are suffering across the UK, from missed diagnosis, misdiagnosis and tardy and inept support from CAMHS.  So here be it (read it and literally, weep…):

camhs-post-7camhs-post-6camhs-post-4camhs-post-10camhs-post-14   camhs-post-8

camhs-post-12     camhs-post-13     camhs-post-11

camhs-post-5     camhs-post-15     the scream.jpg




3 thoughts on ““CAMHS and Autism – A Story in Pictures” Episode 2

  1. My daughter and myself have thought for a long time that my granddaughter has Autism. Almost every time you took her out, she would have bursts of tantrums, walk on her toes and repeat what you’ve said to her.
    Found out that the person that wrongly diagnosed her was a trainee and she’s seen a phycholigist who confirmed it.

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