Why I hate functioning labels

Very true sentiments in this reblog. “High-functioning” is an entire misnomer.

The Tudors make me tic

I want you to read the two paragraphs below and as you’re reading them think which you would label ‘high functioning’ and which ‘low functioning’ based on your instincts.

P has regular sensory overloads and meltdowns, these cause P to feel physically ill and exhausted and mentally drained for days afterwards. They wear sunglasses and noise cancelling headphones whenever they leave their home. They have severe social anxiety and struggle to keep up with a conversation when with more than 3/4 people. They regularly go non verbal and often prefer to write things down. They struggle to express them self. They have a variety of stims, which can include self injury stims. They have severe executive function issues. 

G loves telling people about their special interest and could talk for hours about it, they have a very good long term memory. G lives alone, is studying and is verbal. They…

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