CAMHS and autism: A story in pictures…

They say a picture speaks a thousand words, so this post will be telling a story in pictures…


useless at job (CAMHS) 5useless at job (CAMHS) 6



useless at job (CAMHS)useless at job (CAMHS) 3useless at job (CAMHS) 2useless at job (CAMHS) 4waiting list incompetence incompetence 2CBToverpaid This is a story of thousands of children on the autistic spectrum, not getting their needs met, by a service that is unfit for purpose.  The NAS website has documents entitled “You Need To Know…” regarding evidence on this problem, as reported by thousands of parents UK-wide.

The UK Government is undertaking a Parliamentary Select Committee review on this national disgrace that is CAMHS:

Thought for the day (and  this one is directed at CAMHS):

Your Job